
I can’t stop thinking of her face

And she’s just a few miles away

I’ll probably see her when she gets home today

But I can’t stop thinking of her face


I miss the tender of her lips

And the warm welcome when we kiss

I’ve 3 days yet to practice what I’ll miss

But I can’t stop thinking of her lips


I’m just so homesick already

Thinking how I’ll be denied


I close my eyes to etch her smile

It brands it’s color for a while

It fills me up

I close my eyes

To etch her precious little smile


I’m just so homesick already

Thinking how I’ll be denied


Give me courage to be strong

I’m just no good when I get gone

What she does to me she gets me along

Give me courage to be strong


You see, on Monday I’m going far away

And I don’t know how I’ll get by.


Will I be all right?

Will she be all right?

Will I be all right?

Will she be all right?

Humble Humans

Humble Humans is a Digital Maker of things in Asbury Park, NJ.